TH TH THumkie in Latin America
An introduction
In Latin America, >th< should be acquired and learned if we are teaching children how to read and write in the target language. A word like >three< will turn into >tree<, which is the nearest River Plate Spanish equivalent. It is very difficult to get rid of the habitual articulation of the mother tongue.
How can we teach new words, new sounds, new articulatory habits if the mother tongue interferes all the time? What can we do?.
¨If you can’t beat the enemy, join him¨.
Maybe if we think of a movement, like a trick that children make in a playful way, for example, putting the tongue out .But still Spanish speakers need to push some air out. So the starting point should be noticed, and blowing air should be the articulation that triggers the zone of proximal development. We cannot use meta-language with children.
A memorable story whose conflict has to do with the sound that needs to be acquired, may be the scaffold needed.
Children will make sense and acquire a new sound in the context of a story And songs will allow children to get new articulatory habits in a joyful way.
Let me introduce Mr Thumkie.
My name is Thumkie and I am very unhappy. Children think I am naughty because I like to put my tongue out to say my name TH TH THumkie
Children will remember that Thumkie puts his tongue out. And that is naughty. Learners will be motivated to know why Thumkie behaves in that way and will sympathise with the character while reading . The conflict will be solved throughout the story
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